Myths and Lessons Learned: The Breastfeeding Journey

I was talking to my cousin on the phone one day about 3-4 weeks after my little Nugget was born. She had a baby two weeks, to the day, after I did. “I don’t know about you,” she said, “but I feel like breastfeeding is the most unnatural natural...

over the hump.

Let me tell you a little something about the last 8 weeks. They have been HARD. Way harder than after my first daughter was born. Between C section recovery, a death in the family, a fire, a baby with medical issues who never wanted to be put down, and sleeping 3 or 4...

You’ve heard of Mom Jeans…

…but have you heard of Mom Boobs? Look – some things just go south after you push a small human out of your ladyparts… and then let them suck you dry. But hey, it’s all worth it. Seriously. It...
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