The Fire and Flood

“Motherhood is my fire and my flood.” When I first heard that statement while interviewing a woman for The Mama Sagas, it took my breath away. It rang so true. Motherhood has a crazy way of building you up and breaking you down, all at once. It’s full of...

The Fourth Trimester

I have a bone to pick. Who is the clueless individual who coined the phrase “get your body back after baby?” Surely it was a man. Probably a man working in marketing. Maybe he didn’t have a wife or girlfriend, and maybe he never witnessed a woman push a small human...

You’ve heard of Mom Jeans…

…but have you heard of Mom Boobs? Look – some things just go south after you push a small human out of your ladyparts… and then let them suck you dry. But hey, it’s all worth it. Seriously. It...
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