Your Lifeline Is On It’s Way!

  In just over a week, The Mama Sagas will launch it’s first ebook, The Guide to Survive Motherhood: Newborn Edition! The Mama Sagas was born out of my need to find the answers and advice I sought as a new mom, but couldn’t easily find. I found myself...

Banking on Balance

Balance, intuition, persistence, patience, thoughtfulness, presence. These are my “working mama mantras” as I like to call them.  I’m Abby, I am a mama to two sweet tiny humans, I am an IBCLC, and I work at Mothers’ Milk Bank in Arvada, CO. Choosing...

Maven on a Mission

  Motherhood has made me a lot more efficient. The first thing I did after having my son, Theo, was to schedule most meetings for 30 minutes as opposed to an hour. Balancing work and spending time with Theo is definitely my biggest challenge. My company, Maven, is...

Babywearing to Beat Isolation

We moved across the country when my first child was five weeks old. Becoming a mother wasn’t something that was even in my peripheral vision, until the day I took a positive pregnancy test – and there I was: a mother. Starting my journey into motherhood in a new state...

On the Eve of Mother’s Day

So tomorrow is Mother’s Day. There’s a small part of me that wants to spend the day doing things that I don’t get to do much anymore: sleeping in, showering uninterrupted, going out for an adult dinner, napping, killing time with a few magazines. But...
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