The Worry of the Black American Mother

The Worry of the Black American Mother

  Last week my teenager got in trouble. He got in normal, “I am fifteen and being an idiot with a few of my friends” kind of trouble. I always knew the day would come when we would have to address a situation where he’d get caught doing something we’d...
#31Mothers: Tracy

#31Mothers: Tracy

  Tears of frustration run down my face after my emotionally drunk, pre-teen daughter, gives me the finger and tells me she hates me. I have to walk away, with her phone in my hand, and give myself a “time out” to prevent myself from saying anything I will regret...
#31Mothers: Danielle S

#31Mothers: Danielle S

“I had given up some youth for knowledge but my gain was much greater than my loss.” This quote by Maya Angelou perfectly describes  my motherhood journey. For me, being a mom has meant the deep loss of a life I never knew and the ongoing rediscovery of myself....