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About Saralyn
Saralyn Ward is an award-winning writer, TV host, and fitness expert whose passion is to inspire and empower women to live their best life. She’s the founder of the Better After Baby postpartum app and The Motherhood Directory, a NASM certified personal trainer and Pilates instructor, and the editorial force behind The Mama Sagas: a blog using stories to break down stigmas. Her mission is to help women recognize their full potential, individually and collectively, while bringing their needs, goals, and experiences to the forefront of public policy and dialogue.
Recent Posts in The Mama Sagas
Jade: The Friend Issue
Helping your kids make new friends.... it almost feels like you're dating the family, no?
No One Warns You About Night Terrors
Motherhood is harder than I thought it would be. I had always dreamed about getting married and having kids but the whole thing is harder than I thought it would be. At times, having kids brings out a side of me that I don’t want to see. I just gave birth...
Like A Fire Hose
I've never really understood why they call it a "birth plan" because I've never met a single mom whose delivery went the way she visualized it would! Sometimes you just have to laugh it off... Here's an excerpt from my interview with Kristen, in Denver, CO.