Growing up in Germany, I knew I wanted to be a mom. I also planned to raise my future children bilingually so that they would not have to endure countless hours studying new vocabulary. I was hoping to travel the world, live in different countries outside of Germany...
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I'm Saralyn, a mountain mama fueled by coffee, community, and adventure, raising three kids at the foot of the Rockies. I'm so glad you're here!
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The Long and Winding Road Back to Work
by Karin Tischler | #31mothers, Blog, Family, Sagas, Work
Take Care of Yourself First
by Kristina Battaglia | #31mothers, Blog, Family, Health, Inspiration, Sagas
I have found - after years of losing my identity outside of motherhood - the importance of taking care of myself first. It has been a pretty cool evolution to watch and feel the difference when I make myself a priority and how it reflects onto my kids, my mood, and...
Jade: The Friend Issue
by Saralyn Ward | Elementary, Family
Helping your kids make new friends.... it almost feels like you're dating the family, no?
No One Warns You About Night Terrors
by Sarina Jain | #31mothers, Baby, Blog, Family, Sagas, Toddler
Motherhood is harder than I thought it would be. I had always dreamed about getting married and having kids but the whole thing is harder than I thought it would be. At times, having kids brings out a side of me that I don’t want to see. I just gave birth...
Like A Fire Hose
by Saralyn Ward | #31mothers, Baby, Health
I've never really understood why they call it a "birth plan" because I've never met a single mom whose delivery went the way she visualized it would! Sometimes you just have to laugh it off... Here's an excerpt from my interview with Kristen, in Denver, CO.